Emma Smith
“Emma was getting ready for bed she takes melatonin to help her sleep she wanted her grandpa to give it to her that night and she went to help him get out of his chair he felt her hand and said what is that we thought she had been
Bit by a spider we took to two different hospitals and no one could figure out what it was I was calling her doctor so persistently because Emma was in pain she ordered an MRI she called me the next night at 1030 P.M telling my husband an I that we needed to meet her at her office at 11:00 that night when we go there she told us that it was not a spider bite that it was a tumor she then referred us to st Jude where we live they sent us to st Jude in Memphis Tennessee where we found out that our beautiful 8 year old daughter had cancer called RMS witch is a disease that only attacks children we where sent back home to find out that she had four tumors all over her body and spots on her lungs she went from a stage 3 to a stage 4 in two days she has to have chemo every three weeks and radiation everyday for the next nine months!”
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